Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Removing Chips In Knife How Do I Remove Cement Paint That Is Cracking And Peeling..?

How do i remove cement paint that is cracking and peeling..? - removing chips in knife

Some painted with weatherproof cement paint cement and is now 5 months later, is one thing, cracking and peeling paint and the other is beautiful, we have tried to remove with a spatula, scrape any paint capable of repairing, but that is only chipped and removes some very useful to eliminate .. What is the best and easiest way to do this?


michaels... said...

1. You can use a pressure washer to use with a fine point.
2. You can use a wire brush.
3. You can save a color and try to work some of their chemicals.
Depending on the problem. Just testing.

Jack said...

Extractor at Home Depot or Lowes

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