Monday, December 28, 2009

Create Your Own Word Search How Can I Create My Own Search Engine Like Yahoo! Or Google?

How can I create my own search engine like Yahoo! or Google? - create your own word search

Plain & Simple:

1. I am my own search engine.
2. I want to own search engine brand.
3. Yes, in other words, I create my own "Yahoo!" or Google.
4. I am interested to hear their views on market dominance and how it interferes with the viability of the project.
5. Module does not want the custom Google search on my website, as is the custom, is not branded and seek limits on the world of Google.


Anonymous said...

Well first thing I'd say go get a computer / software engineering course or Institution with at least one type of information retrieval, distributed systems and discrete mathematics (if necessary) and an A + in them, then search for a school has agreed that the prototype of his sector search engines in a student project (good luck, you will need)

Second, you have to pay a lot of money:

- Most computers in the group (for construction, storage and recovery rates to an acceptable pace)
-) Many Internet bandwidth (from the site in a relatively good price, or otherwise obtain the network structure in terms of the necessary data and content.

Like a spider web, write your own - is the easiest part of this effort and if you can not do this, you will be biting more than he can in trying a lot of features, Google / Yahoo Engine chewing the large-scale research, (in terms of performance and results can rival the appropriate rate), with Yahoo or Google.

Anonymous said...

Well first thing I'd say go get a computer / software engineering course or Institution with at least one type of information retrieval, distributed systems and discrete mathematics (if necessary) and an A + in them, then search for a school has agreed that the prototype of his sector search engines in a student project (good luck, you will need)

Second, you have to pay a lot of money:

- Most computers in the group (for construction, storage and recovery rates to an acceptable pace)
-) Many Internet bandwidth (from the site in a relatively good price, or otherwise obtain the network structure in terms of the necessary data and content.

Like a spider web, write your own - is the easiest part of this effort and if you can not do this, you will be biting more than he can in trying a lot of features, Google / Yahoo Engine chewing the large-scale research, (in terms of performance and results can rival the appropriate rate), with Yahoo or Google.

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