Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Danielle Evans Covergirl America's Next Top Model Cycle 6: What Kind Of Training Did Danielle Evans Get?

America's Next Top Model Cycle 6: What kind of training did Danielle Evans get? - danielle evans covergirl

Danielle Evans won last year but had to agree to get rid of his southern accent. If you enter the last episode, Tyra, what kind of training was obtained.
What kind of lessons can be reduced? Voice, language, etc.?
Any good link where I find these classes?


Jenn said...

I think you're a coach on words with you. This season, if it sounds a little different, but it still has the southern accent going on. nothing wrong! I love people with a southern accent

PUSHer said...

It only took speech lessons to learn about it, to pronounce certain words, because it would not have his accent, it was a dialect of the South. and south many words pronounced differently, so he had to learn it. I did not like how it sounded, but it also sounds bettr now.

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