Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cell Phone Watch Is It True That Hackers Can Access Your Cell Phone's Camera And Watch You Without You Knowing?

Is it true that hackers can access your cell phone's camera and watch you without you knowing? - cell phone watch

I'm scared because I still have my phone if I have to do in the bathroom shower and other things and keep on my dresser when I'm naked in my room. Now I have always locked in a drawer that I can see hackers.


FY707 said...

Look at the logistics of this probability. The attacker needs information from your phone. then it should be. Then you must be connected to the Internet. The camera is, you should be. No hacker can enter the desired phone number. It is not worth our time.

FY707 said...

Look at the logistics of this probability. The attacker needs information from your phone. then it should be. Then you must be connected to the Internet. The camera is, you should be. No hacker can enter the desired phone number. It is not worth our time.

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