Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mitral Valve Surgery Bovine Or Mechanical Valve For My Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery? Experienced People, Please Help!!?

Bovine or Mechanical Valve for my Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery? Experienced people, please help!!? - mitral valve surgery

I am a 55-year-old patient died after surgery for the replacement of the mitral valve, and I need to get the valve to: Man decides to cattle or mechanically.

If you have any experience or know someone who has had one of these kinds of tubes attached to their bodies, you will find more information about the experience. I know the pros and cons of each.

Thank you.


A.V.R. said...

Mechanical valves lifelong anticoagulation.
This can cause performance problems (not to forget to take medication), more time to heal cuts and possible internal bleeding problems, especially for women. You have a very long life.

Current bioprosthetic valve durability has been greatly improved. You need the ongoing fight against blood clotting. They tend to calcify. This can not be a problem for 55 years and older. These valves also a better flow properties of blood.

These are general considerations. Organic chemistry is very diverse.

Their surgeons and cardiologists are the best way to do what is best for you.

matador 89 said...

There are a number of excellent mechanical prostheses available today. All work equally well. The main advantage of mechanical valves is their excellent durability. The valves available today simply do not! Its main drawback is that the tendency of blood clots forming in all mechanical valves. If this were the case, the valve does not function normally. Therefore, patients with these valves must take anticoagulants for life. There is also a small but real risk of blood clots leading to strokes, even when taking anticoagulants.
There are a variety of ecological alternatives for the replacement of the mitral valve. Most fabrics are made from cow or pig. The big advantage is that they have caused a lower risk of blood clots on the valve itself valve dysfunction or stroke. The major disadvantage of biological or tissue valves is that they have a shorter time compared with mechanical valves. Be made in time. The speed of the line, but depending on the age of the patient. A child may take one of these valves, only afEW year, while the same valve might last 10-15 years in a middle-aged, let alone a patient at the age of 70 years. Of course, when we grow old, we hope that we do not need is the outlet for many years as our life expectancy is lower. The general consensus is that a tissue valve is not replaced when used on a patient age 55-70 years.
We suggest that you discuss with your doctor or your doctor about all the advantages and disadvantages to be aware of the problem, before the intervention.

All answers must be carefully studied in this forum and especially this. Several answers are wrong.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease. A doctor should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

I'll add a link long enough with the details about this product
Replacement of the mitral valve /
Instruments for mitral --
Valve rep --lacement.html

Hope this helps
Matador 89

EA said...

I learned open-heart surgery, valve repair and tricuspid my Mitrial. Valve Mitrial, Edwards Life Sciences ring was placed closer to the tricuspid valve and was tight. It was five years ago. To have more energy and feel better at. My doctor said, placing a valve of pigs, but as soon as they have in my heart, the draft resolution. LifeScience choose the ring. I take a blood thinner, but now for other reasons, more than 8 years.

mdigital... said...

I can only comment on mechanical valves:

I made a mechanical heart valve from St. Jew Medical ( ...)

My aortic valve (have been replaced, among other things) / repaired during emergency surgery, aortic dissection. My doctor decided the mechanical valve for me.

I hope it will take some time (I take only 26) so that you can reduce the need for replacement surgery. Every year I see my cardiologist - not a CT scan and verify the valve works properly.

The valve has a click, loud - which is very sensitive to your arrival, barely noticeable but after a while. (For the all around you and you), it seems that you have a clock with a minute hand ticks. People can hear around you, if it's a bit quiet in the room - most people simply assume from the fact that you are using a clock that is ticking:)

With the mechanical valve must, take a drug / Coumadin warfarin to minimize the possibility of the THAta form a blood clot in the valve. This is probably the most embarrassing for me - you must eat constantly to take the correct dose of Coumadin in order to remain within the therapeutic range (for affect me from 2.5 to 3.5 INR), foods with vitamin K Coumadin you cons want to be sure that you always eat when the end result will be low. Other foods have) a potentiating effect (garlic, so it could be very high. I enjoy an excuse to avoid eating broccoli ick (!), But I lack, grapefruit, cranberries, alfalfa, etc.

It is an attitude, but it's great to live! Thank God for modern medicine and the doctors so striking that the privilege of using!

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